November 2015 eNews | UK Foods Database Now Available



UK Foods Database Now Available!

The 2015 UK food composition database is now available for use with the software. The database offers over 2,850 foods that will integrate seamlessly with the EU nutrition facts label module, enabling users who sell products in the European Union to more easily create recipes and labels.

Submit Your Nutrition Data to ESHA’s Master Database

We are always looking to add more manufacturers’ data to our database. Providing your products makes it that much easier for people to choose your brand when shopping or formulating recipes.
Learn more.

Restaurant Menu Labeling eBook

Labeling provisions in the ACA (Affordable Care Act) require that restaurants and other retail food establishments provide access to nutrition information. This includes the display of calorie information for standard menu items and access to additional nutrient information for those same items. This eBook will help guide you through the regulations.
Download the eBook.

FDA Pushes for Cap on Daily Sugar Consumption

Health experts have been nudging Americans to kick the sugar habit for years, and now it’s official: The Food and Drug Administration is recommending a daily cap on sugar for the first time.
Read More.


Q: How do I find ingredients that are high or low in a certain nutrient?
A: To find foods/ingredients that are high or low in a nutrient, use the F5 Nutrient Search. To use the Nutrient Search:

  1. With a Recipe open onscreen, press the F5 button on your keyboard.
  2. Click the Select button to choose which nutrient or nutrients you wish to include in the search (maximum of 3 nutrients).
  3. For each nutrient you have selected, choose an operator and enter a value.
  4. (Optional) Enter a search word in Search For.
  5. (Optional) Select which group(s) to be included in the search result.
  6. Click Search to execute.

Join the Discussion!
Join us on LinkedIn and post your labeling and regulatory compliance questions. ESHA’s Nutrition Labeling & Analysis Software LinkedIn Community is open to anyone who shares an interest in food and supplement nutrition, product labeling, and regulatory compliance.