July 2015 eNews | How to Create an FDA Compliant Nutrition Facts Label


ESHA Nutrition Analysis Reporting Features

Users of both Genesis R&D and The Food Processor programs have access to a variety of nutrition analysis reports. Below are just a few of the reports provided in both programs.

Spreadsheet Report
The spreadsheet report shows all the values for all of the displayed nutrients. Nutrients are displayed horizontally by ingredient, with totals at the bottom of the list.

Multi-Column Report
The Multi-Column Report provides a good overall nutrient data summary of the Recipe. The information is presented in several columns, depending on the nutrients you have selected to display. This report shows both the per serving amount and the per 100-gram amount of each nutrient.

Bar Graph Report
The bar graph report shows total nutrient amounts, recommended amounts and percent recommendation met in an easy to visualize display. Bars are shown only for those nutrients that have recommended values in the profile being compared to. Users can select from a wide variety of DRI profiles provided to compare against.

Single Nutrient Report
The Single Nutrient Report shows what percentage of a specific nutrient each ingredient contributes to the total meal plan.

Calories and Fats Report
The Calories and Fats Report is useful for quickly seeing the calorie and fat breakdowns for your recipe. The Source of Calories window shows graphically the percentage of calories from protein, carbohydrates, fat, and alcohol. The Source of Fat window shows the breakdown of fat (saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and other fats.)

Learn more about Genesis R&D reporting features and Food Processor reporting features.

The FDA Announced 1-year Delay for Menu Labeling

Industry, trade and other associations, including the grocery industry, have asked for an additional year to comply with the menu labeling final rule, beyond the original December 2015 compliance date. As a result, the FDA is extending the compliance date for the menu labeling rule to December 1, 2016, for those covered by the rule.
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How to Create an FDA Compliant Nutrition Facts Label

The creation of government compliant nutrition labels is one of the fundamental uses for Genesis R&D. And it’s easier than you’d expect. As long as you have your ingredients entered correctly, all it takes is the click of a button.
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How Carbs Are Calculated in Different Countries

Does carbohydrate include fiber? The answer is yes… and no! It depends on where you live. By the dictionary definition, carbohydrate is chemically composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and is generally made up of sugars, starch, and fiber. When carbohydrate is listed in food composition tables, or on Nutrition Facts panels, however, there are several international standard definitions that can be used. These definitions determine which components (sugars, starch, fiber, other) are included in the carbohydrate total.
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Q: I’m wondering if ESHA has a timeline of when added sugars will be available as a part of nutrient analysis and is it dependent on the final ruling from the FDA on labeling that is supposed to happen in March 2016 (i.e. will ESHA be adding added sugar to analysis parameters regardless of the ruling)?

A: The summer 2015 Genesis R&D version 11.0 update includes Added Sugars as a new nutrient field, defined according to the US proposed labeling regulations. Initially, the field will be populated for plain foods; those that do not contain added sugar (oils, meats, fresh fruits) and those that fit the definition of added sugar (granulated sugar, honey, molasses). Data for mixed foods will be filled in as we obtain this data from our sources. This field will be maintained in the database regardless of whether the final labeling regulations require added sugar for nutrition labeling.