Genesis R&D Foods 11.10 Update Overview - Review of UI Changes & New Health Canada Nutrition Facts Label Templates


This update of Genesis R&D Foods Version 11.10  includes user interface enhancements and several new Nutrition Facts Label templates for the Canadian Label module.

User Interface Changes: Titles for some General Label Settings have been changed to improve clarity and more accurately reflect the available label display options.

Health Canada Nutrition Facts Tables: Current Health Canada regulation allows manufacturers to use a simplified Nutrition Facts table formatted specifically for Single-Serving Prepackaged Products with little nutritional value. Genesis R&D now includes six of the Simplified Formats for Single-serving Prepackaged Products as well as three narrow formats for standard Nutrition Facts tables.

During this webinar, we walk through the new UI changes and provide a review of the new label formats including when to use them and how to generate them in Genesis R&D.