Our newsletter covers this month’s highlights, but to stay up to date on ESHA news, please visit our blog/
FDA Amends Standard of Identity for Yogurt
The agency is issuing a final rule that, among other provisions, will expand allowable ingredients and puts lowfat and nonfat yogurts under the same standard of identity. Read More »
FMI Pushes Back on Senate’s COOL Act
The Food Industry Association opposes the latest COOL Act, saying it contains “duplicative” language. The FMI will continue to fight the bill’s passage as it heads to the House. Read More »
Blog: Narrowing Search Lists in Food Processor
Learn how to use the available search options to narrow the list of returns during a food item search. Read ›
Blog: Yield Adjustments in Genesis R&D Foods
This blog shows you how to understand how yield adjustments work and why they’re important. Read ›
Cheat Sheet: Synonyms for & Sources of Sesame
This Cheat Sheet lists synonyms for — and potential hidden sources of — sesame, the newest major allergen. Read ›
Blog: Genesis R&D Celebrates 30 Years
This blog retraces the history of the NLEA regulations and how they tie into Genesis R&D Foods. Read ›
Q: I’m not seeing a %DV for protein on my label, why?
A: The regulations only require a %DV protein when the label is for a product to be used by infants or children under four years of age or if any protein claims are made. For a %DV protein value to appear on your Nutrition Facts label, you must first enter a PER (protein efficiency ratio) value or PDCAAS (protein digestibility corrected amino acid score) value for the protein.
Both PER and PDCAAS values indicate the protein quality of a food and either can be used to determine the protein grams and %DV, depending on the use case. The PER value (almost always obtained from a lab) is used for Nutrition Facts panels that market to infants 0 to 12 months. The PDCAAS value (calculated or obtained from a lab) is used for Nutrition Facts panels that market to children greater than 1 year but less than 4 years of age, or for products that make a protein claim, including items marketed to adults (ages 4 or more).
This tutorial will show you how to calculate a PDCAAS value and use it to display %DV protein on your label.
Upcoming Webinar:
July 14, 2021, 11 a.m. PT | 2 p.m. ET
On April 23, 2021, The Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education & Research (FASTER) Act was signed into law, establishing sesame as the ninth major U.S. food allergen. Previously, the FDA required only the declaration of whole sesame seeds as an ingredient. Food manufacturers now have until Jan. 1, 2023, to declare the presence of sesame as an allergen on their food package labels.
This webinar will go over how to look for hidden sources of sesame and how to display sesame as an allergen on your label. Register Now >
Recorded Webinar:
The FDA requires that the serving size on your Nutrition Facts label be shown as a common household measure suitable for the food (such as cup, piece, jar, etc.) and based on the amount of that food typically consumed. The FDA has defined and cataloged these amounts as RACCs (Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed). In this webinar, we demonstrated how to enter serving size information in Genesis R&D and how to work with the serving information on your labels. View Now >
Genesis R&D Foods: Creating a Compliant Mexico Label (now in Spanish!)
This tutorial shows you how to create nutrition labels compliant with Mexico’s food labeling laws. Este tutorial en español le mostrará cómo crear etiquetas nutricionales para las reglas de México.
Genesis R&D Foods: Creating FOP Warning Seals for Mexico Labels (now in Spanish!)
This tutorial will show you how to create the Front Of Package warning seals for products sold in Mexico. Este tutorial en español le mostrará cómo crear sellos de advertencia de FOP para las etiquetas nutricionales de México.
July 20-21, 2021
Genesis R&D Foods Professional + FDA Regulations
Topics covered include FDA regulations, creating ingredients and composite ingredients, building recipes/formulas, nutrition analysis, moisture loss, reporting, labeling, best practices.
July 22, 2021
Genesis R&D Foods Advanced
Training Topics covered include using PDCAAS, International Food Labeling, Advanced Label Settings, and more.