July 2018 eNews | Genesis R&D 11.6 Updates


Software Update: Genesis R&D Foods V11.6

This release of Genesis R&D Foods incorporates many exciting new features including the Added Sugars symbol, alphabetical sorting of nutrients, a new Dual Format Label for Canada, and more. Learn more.

eBook: New Nutrition Facts Label Guide

The FDA released final regulations for updated Nutrition Facts and Supplement Facts panels for food and supplement products. This eBook will focus on the far-reaching and numerous changes in nutrients and Daily Values that apply to both labels. Download the eBook.

Upcoming Webinars

Check out our updated webinars schedule! We recently added new webinars to the schedule. Register here.
Interested in a webinar but can’t make it? Register anyway! All webinars are recorded and available for on-demand viewing! See recorded webinars here.


Q: Why am I seeing more allergens?
A: In addition to the 8 required U.S. allergens, we now by default list all Canadian and EU allergens. You can adjust this by going to Preferences>Label>Allergens and unchecking the regions you don’t want to show allergens for.