March 2021 | Genesis R&D Foods Updated


Genesis R&D Foods Software Update. Industry News. Upcoming Webinars. Scheduled Training. And More!

Our newsletter covers this month’s highlights, but to stay up-to-date on ESHA news, please visit our blog


Genesis R&D Foods Version 11.10 is rolling out this month. This release incorporates various user interface enhancements and five new Nutrition Facts Label templates that comply with Health Canada’s 2016 Nutrition Labelling Regulations. Learn More » 


FASTER Act Moves Forward

The Senate recently passed the 2021 version of the Food Allergy Safety Treatment Education & Research (FASTER) Act, which is expected to pass in the House. The bill would, among other provisions, require the declaration of sesame as an allergen. Read More » 

FDA Takes Steps to Reduce Toxins in Food Supply

The FDA is taking action to reduce exposure to toxic elements, such as arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and lead, in the food supply. Read More »


Cheat Sheet: Allergens by Country

Use this Cheat Sheet to see at a glance which allergens are required to be declared on packaging by country. Download › 

Cheat Sheet: Standards & Conversions

Behind-the-scenes references useful for understanding spec sheets and source data. Download › 

Blog: Canada Simplified Labels for Single-serving Prepackaged Products

Learn when to use and how to create Canada Compliant, Simplified Nutrition Labels for Single-serving Prepackaged Products. Read More ›

Blog: How Search Results are Returned in Food Processor

This blog will help you understand the order of search result returns. Read More › 


Q: How is Net Carb determined in Food Processor?

A: There is not an official government definition of Net Carb at this time. In our software programs, Net Carb is defined as

Net Carb = Total Carbohydrate – (Total Dietary Fiber + Sugar Alcohol)

If the Dietary Fiber and/or Sugar Alcohol values are missing (unknown) from food item data, the Net Carb calculation will treat the missing value(s) like zeros. For example, if both the Dietary Fiber and Sugar Alcohol values are missing, the Net Carb value would be equal to the Total Carbohydrate value, which may over-represent the Net Carb value. It is therefore important to also look at the Dietary Fiber and Sugar Alcohol values of foods and recipes when assessing the Net Carb value. Learn More>


Genesis R&D Foods 101, Part 4: Allergen Statements  

April 14, 2021, 11 a.m. PT | 2 p.m. ET

This webinar will cover how to track allergens and create and modify allergen statements in Genesis R&D. We will also discuss different countries’ regulations and offer tips on best practices for compliance and customer education. Register Here

Genesis R&D Foods 101, Part 3: Ingredient Statements 

The FDA requires that food manufacturers include an ingredient statement (or list of ingredients) on product packaging. To ensure compliance, it is critical that you are familiar with specifications, exceptions, and other rules outlined by the FDA.

During this webinar, we went over the FDA’s ingredient statement requirements and demonstrated how to modify the automatically generated ingredient list in Genesis R&D. We also discussed best practices and common mistakes. Watch the Recording> 


Finding Recipes Containing Certain Ingredients

This tutorial walks you through the steps of using Food Processor’s Advanced Search to find Recipes containing specific Ingredients. Watch >

Creating a Health Canada Label

This tutorial will show you how to create a standard Health Canada-compliant label, a bilingual label, and more. Watch >


Genesis R&D Professional + USDA

April 20-21, 2021

This 2-day training session covers the fundamentals of the Genesis R&D Food program with a primary focus on USDA regulations: creating ingredients and composite ingredients, building recipes/formulas, nutrition analysis, moisture loss, reporting, labeling, best practices, and much more. In addition, this session covers a comprehensive USDA regulatory review. Sign Up Today » 

Genesis R&D Professional + Advanced

May 11-13, 2021

Choose From: Combined 3-day Intensive Training, 2-day Professional Training, or a 1-day Advanced Training.

Topics covered include a regulations overview, basic and advanced Nutrition Facts creation, PDCAAS, accurate analysis, software tips and tricks, and much more. Sign Up Today » 

ESHA Research
4747 Skyline Rd S, Suite 100
Salem, OR 97306

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