June 2017 eNews | Genesis R&D Audit Trail | Searching Tips



ESHA to Volunteer at Wake the World – Oregon
This July, employees from ESHA Research will volunteer their time at a Wake the World Oregon event, geared to giving foster children and their foster families a day of boating, skiing, and other watersports at Foster Reservoir, 55 miles southeast of Salem. Learn more.

Software Tips

How to Use the Audit Trail Feature in Genesis R&D Food
The Audit Trail feature in Genesis R&D records and reports changes made to Ingredients, Recipes, Food Menus, and Advanced Labels. This is especially helpful in the record-keeping of formulations and labels in the software. Learn more.

Genesis R&D Foods & Food Processor Database Searching Tips
The searching capabilities required to access specific foods in such a large database need to be wide, varied, and flexible. The sheer volume of ingredients, foods, and recipes in the database as well as multiple search options can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are a lot of methods built into the software that can help simplify and speed up the searches. Learn more.

Industry News

FDA Intends to Extend Nutrition Facts Labeling Compliance Date
On June 13, 2017, the FDA announced their intent to extend the compliance dates for Supplement and Nutrition Facts Labeling. At this time, the FDA has not commented on when the new enforcement dates will be nor have they published an official notice on the Federal Register. Continue reading.

FDA Extends Menu Labeling Compliance Date
On May 1, 2017, the FDA announced an extension to the original compliance date (May 5, 2017) for Menu Labeling, giving restaurants and other qualifying food establishments another year to get their ducks in a row, so to speak. The new compliance date is May 7, 2018.

Interested in learning more about these regulations and how you can use Genesis R&D Food for compliance? Join us for our next 2-day Genesis R&D + Menu Labeling Professional Training, August 15-16 in Washington DC. Click here to see registration details. Continue reading.


Q: I have already redesigned my labels based on the 2016 regulations. With the FDA announcement of extending the compliance date, can I use these new labels now?

A: Yes. The regulations were effective as of July 26, 2016, meaning that the new label formats are now legal to use. The compliance date is the date that you must use the new formats by. ESHA will continue to report on the status of the adjusted compliance dates. Stayed tuned.