ESHA Research Releases a Nutrition Analysis and Labeling API
For the first time, the nutrition-analysis powerhouse makes it’s API is available to the public
Salem, OR – ESHA Research, producers of Genesis R&D Food Development and Labeling Software, has released its first API (application programming interface) for developers.
“Many of our customers using the Genesis R&D Foods software were looking for a way to integrate their data from Genesis R&D into other platforms, such as a website, easily and quickly, so we developed the Genesis API,” said Josh Luth, Product Manager.
The Genesis API enables users to access the data, analysis, and label creation functionality of Genesis R&D through external interfaces. Genesis API runs as a service in IIS and is available both as SOAP and REST interfaces.
The API allows companies to enter their food’s nutrition information once and have the data automatically dispersed to webpages or internal program interfaces, such as point-of-sales systems, inventory management systems, and QC or document systems.
“This saves a lot of time and lets developers play with the interface, making sure the outcome is suited to the operation,” Luth said.
About ESHA Research
ESHA Research, founded in 1981, offers a variety of nutritional analysis and label development solutions to ensure regulatory compliance. Our software programs and databases have been used all over the world, by food manufacturers, educational facilities, restaurants, healthcare facilities, and other industry institutions for nutrient analysis, labeling, product development, and more. In addition, ESHA Research offers software and regulatory compliance consulting and label-generation services.
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