August 2019 eNews | FDA Releases Guidance for Calculating Nutrients


Genesis R&D Foods Incorporates Latest FDA Guidelines for Labeling Single-ingredient Sugar Products

The FDA released the final guidance on labeling single-ingredient sugar products and the new regs and tools to use them have been implemented into Genesis R&D Foods. You can read more in our full press release. Read the press release here.

FDA Authorizes Soy Leghemoglobin as a Color Additive

The FDA has OK’d the use of soy leghemoglobin as a safe color additive in not-meat patties (i.e. “veggie burgers”). This comes in response to a petition from Impossible Foods Inc. Read here.

FDA Releases Calculation Guidance for Converting Nutrients to New Units of Measure

The FDA has compiled a list of calculations used and instructions for converting Folate, Niacin and Vitamins, A, D and E to the new units of measure required on the updated Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels. Read the press release here.

Blog: Back to Basics with Food Processor

We put together this selection of tutorials and webinars because they are both useful introductions to and refreshers on the Food Processor, regardless of your level of experience. Read here.

Blog: Exporting Recipes as Ingredients

Protect your proprietary data and still send your Recipe’s complete nutrient breakdown to other Genesis R&D users by exporting your Recipe as an Ingredient. It’s genius. Read here.

Tutorial: Food Processor Reports Overview

There are a wide variety of Reports that help you and your clients look at their diets and their nutrient intake. This tutorial reviews them all. View the tutorial here.

Nov. 5-7 | Genesis R&D Foods (Combo, Professional or Advanced) Training

Attend one of our upcoming training sessions and learn how to get the most out of Genesis R&D. Choose from the 2-day Professional session, the 1-day Advanced session or a combined 3-day intensive training.

Dec. 4-5 | Genesis R&D Foods Professional + Menu Label Training

This training session covers ingredient creation and recipe/menu building, best practices, and analysis reporting specific to restaurants, grocery stores, and those who have to comply with the FDA’s Menu Labeling regulations.

Q: Is maple candy or honey taffy made from only one ingredient labeled the same as other single-ingredient sugar products?

A: Yes. The FDA has confirmed that when labeling a single-ingredient sugar candy (only contains one ingredient and that ingredient is a sugar ingredient), the single-ingredient sugar labeling option can be used.  In this case, %DV is shown followed by an optional footnote that includes the gram amount of sugar added to the diet by one serving of the product and its contribution to the %DV for added sugars. We have a cheat sheet that goes over the new label requirements for Added Sugars. Download the cheat sheet here.