August 2015 eNews | Genesis R&D 11.0 Update Overview


Genesis R&D 11.0 Update Overview

The newest version of Genesis R&D 11.0 is now available and ready for download! Some of the enhancements include:
New User Interface!
The new interface moves once hidden menu settings to the navigation bar as icons. We have replaced the previous menu structure with ribbon navigation for a more intuitive experience and ease of access to the rich features of Genesis.
Nutrition Analysis Software
Multiple Notes Fields
Now you have three fields to put notes about the recipe, cooking instructions, or any information relevant to your formulation needs.
Recipe Formulation Software
Recipe Images
Users can now display up to two images specific to the current Recipe on the View Label report.
Recipe Analysis Software
Added Sugars
We have included a nutrient field for Added Sugar and populated the ESHA ingredient Database with available added sugar data in anticipation of possible changes to Nutrition Facts panels.
Added Sugars Nutrition Information

Software Searching Tips

The searching capabilities required to access specific foods in such a large database need to be wide and varied and flexible. The sheer volume of ingredients, foods, and recipes in the database as well as multiple search options can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are a lot of methods built into the software that can help simplify and speed up the searches.
Learn More.


Q: Does Genesis consider protein source when flagging the “good source of protein” claim or is that up to human interpretation to validate the claim?
A:  If you apply a PDCAAS or PER, the calculated %DV for protein will determine the appropriate claims available.
To add the PDCAAS or PER, navigate to the Label>Settings>Nutrient Options>Protein>[+] to expand the options and complete the appropriate fields.
See these tutorials for more information:

Join the Discussion!
Join us on LinkedIn and post your labeling and regulatory compliance questions. ESHA’s Nutrition Labeling & Analysis Software LinkedIn Community is open to anyone who shares an interest in food and supplement nutrition, product labeling, and regulatory compliance.